
Welcome on our website!
Baltus Communications is a full-service public relations company for the travel and tourist industry.
With over 22 years experience in travel public relations, communication and marketing, we are extremely well-positioned to promote and market holiday destinations (be it countries, regions or cities), tourist attractions, hotel chains, airline or cruise companies or any other travel product. We know the media, the travel trade and the consumer in Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg better than your daily trip from home to work.

Is your business in the Meeting, Incentive, Congress or Event sector? We also work for this specific segment of the travel industry.

This English site is a short introduction on who we are, our clients and what we do for them. May we also kindly draw your attention to the �Why us?� button.

We are a member of Tourism Trademark (www.tourismtrademark.com), an international network of independent pr agencies specialising in travel and tourism.

Baltus Communications | Bautersemstraat 38 | 2518 PC The Hague | The Netherlands
Tel: +31 70 365 21 23 | Fax: +31 70 346 57 13 | Mobile: +31 6 28 63 94 10
E-mail: [email protected] | Website: www.baltuscom.nl
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